The Curse of Cowardice
byDon’t speak up as they oust us from the theatres, the universities, the workplace flood their paper with rivers of rhetoric for perhaps they…
Don’t speak up as they oust us from the theatres, the universities, the workplace flood their paper with rivers of rhetoric for perhaps they…
Restless beneath the sickly green surface The blood of Thousands silently screams beseeching someone anyone Everyone to remember Lives blotted from the books of…
There is so much to say yet our words are empty Soundlessly standing on the global stage Everyone’s attention trained in our direction Cautiously…
I hear you yes I told you I got it there were two jackals in service to a lion the lion had gone hunting…
Pesaḥ Sheni constitutes the first Hebrew festival established ‘from below’ & sets the precedent for all the holidays that would later fill the month of Iyar.
Rouse the spirit within you The time is now Israel and the land in a holy embrace Living the dreams of our forefathers We’ve…
I’d call myself free but for the cigarettes. And the alcohol. And the grief. And the guilt. And the shame. And the anger. And…
What is our people if not a force? If not an ancient civilization of creation, of faith, of morality if not a people of…
It moves fast The tide of time Slowly building nations Only to abruptly crash them onto the shores With a glorious shatter How can…
One brought One Gave One sat still One fought One slaved One killed One died One rose One wept One cried One dove One…
Some Jews look to the Exodus from Egypt saying, “We were slaves once, Strangers in a foreign land Bitterly oppressed and beaten without mercy…
If man is a microcosm of the universe then black holes exist inside him too It’s never hard to fall it’s even inviting just…