Rav Shlomo Aviner

Rav Shlomo Aviner on the Trump Plan

Revered Israeli spiritual leader says Jerusalem must reject Donald Trump’s “Deal of the Century” and that to even speak of betraying any part of the Jewish homeland would be a terrible transgression.



Each precept in our Torah helps Israel to properly reveal our inherent kedusha and behave according to our collective soul’s authentic inner nature.

Sea of Reeds

The Seventh of Pesaḥ

Israel was granted insight into HaShem’s Divine plan for revealing Himself in Creation and bringing the world to its predestined state of perfection.

What Mordekhai teaches us in the story of Purim - Haman's sons hanging


Mordekhai rejected the notion that Israel was weak and recognized his people’s true inner potential.

Parshat Vayikra - korbanot at the beit hamikdash

Parshat Vayikra

Korbanot in Jerusalem produce a spiritual ripple effect that adds incredible blessing to the world – curing diseases, alleviating suffering & influencing random acts of kindness across the globe.

Parshat Pekudei - Mishkan

Parshat Pekudei

The mitzvot that dominant nations are most fervently against automatically require extra valor and self-sacrifice to fulfill. Observing these precepts takes on higher meaning as an expression of emuna.