
Vows (poem) - Jungle on a foggy day



When your mind is barren and your heart is burst and all the promises you made to the glow of embers in your hearth…

Etrogim being sold ahead of the Sukkot festival



The festival of Sukkot takes on an entirely different dimension when celebrated on our native soil.

Parshat Haazinu - compass

Parshat Ha’azinu


Human history – like any great piece of literature – presents a story that is not only inspiring and dramatic on the surface but also allegorically rich with hidden meaning and deep moral lessons.

The Yom Kippur service in the Jerusalem Temple

Yom Kippur


By plugging into the expanded consciousness of Yom Kippur through the proper thoughts, acts & tefillot prescribed for the day, we can receive & be transformed by the day’s all-encompassing light.

Jericho (poem) - shofar blowing



Today I heard the walls of Jericho fall and don’t get me wrong, the voice which shook them was one of power but the…

Parshat Vayeilekh - American flag kippa

Parshat Vayeilekh


Although he had been raised in Pharaoh’s palace and had never in his life actually seen Eretz Yisrael, Moshe was held accountable for allowing himself to be referred to by others as an “Egyptian man.”

Jewish man blowing the Shofar for Rosh HaShanah

Rosh HaShana


Humanity’s universal recognition of HaShem as the timeless ultimate Reality without end is achieved through the story of the Jewish people and the fulfillment of Israel’s historic mission.

Parshat Nitzavim - Herzl looking over Basel

Parshat Nitzavim


More than merely fostering personal piety among Jews, tshuva that begins with a reawakening of Hebrew identity will lead Israel to express kedusha in every sphere of national life.