
Tisha b'Av - the temple burning

Tisha B’Av


If we could understand the reality of what the world is actually missing, we would not be able to concern ourselves with what we can or cannot eat, buy or listen to during this period of national mourning.

Sunset. Parshat Masei

Parshat Mas’ei


While Israel was obligated to drive the British from our soil, the Torah’s approach to the Palestinian question might actually be more complicated.

Parshat Matot: Judah Maccabee fights (Greg Hildebrandt)

Parshat Matot


By waging war on Israel, even if not consciously aware of its inner motivation, a person or group is declaring war against the Source of all Creation.

Parshat Pinḥas: Eliyahu

Parshat Pinḥas


A true pursuer of peace/completeness is one who identifies the obstacles to HaShem’s Ideal for this world and works passionately to remove them.

Bilaam with Balak's messengers. Parshat Balak

Parshat Balak


While Moav & Midian championed a separation of ‘religion’ & state, Israel’s mission demands that spiritual ideals be materialized on a national level so that our Torah’s values be fully expressed on earth.