byThere are few who live Nevua who blaze forward, their moonlit steps knitting and re-knitting the stars in their orbits who tread through darkness…
There are few who live Nevua who blaze forward, their moonlit steps knitting and re-knitting the stars in their orbits who tread through darkness…
Large, coarse hands, with nails near-black palms etched with the moving of stones and the building of houses strength melds into gentle attention at…
It is through the story of Israel, as it unfolds throughout time, that humanity sees history as possessing Divine meaning and purpose.
I’ve seen your face and wandering body spread across the vacant sky I’ve lost so many wills to live wondering how I passed you…
When slavery runs deep into the psychology of a person, it becomes difficult to express the crucial courage and self-sacrifice necessary to break the chains of mental bondage.
The sunset is sheer a gentle nectarine blur across a fading opaque blue catching every wonder chased away by the constant drumming of blood…
Only as a “kingdom of priests and holy nation” that reveals HaShem’s Oneness over all spheres of life can Israel fully express His Ideal and lead mankind to experience a world of total blessing.
The fact that Jews still fast on this day thousands of years later speaks volumes about the length, depth & power of Israel’s collective memory.
Written by Shevi Brenner (cousin to Shira Ish-Ran) ,הוא חיכה לשירה .המתין כדי שתוכל לפגוש אותו .שתראה את גופו הזעיר ורוד וחם ,את חזהו…
Nearly every foreign land that Jews have settled in throughout history was initially a safe refuge or land of opportunity. And in almost every instance, our false sense of security was shattered.
Israel’s collective soul can only fully manifest itself through an earthly nation that reveals the Divine Ideal in all spheres of national existence.
The pure cruse of oil shone brightly, permeated the collective soul of the Hebrew nation and bestowed upon Israel the strength to fight on.