
Parshat Vayikra - korbanot at the beit hamikdash

Parshat Vayikra


Korbanot in Jerusalem produce a spiritual ripple effect that adds incredible blessing to the world – curing diseases, alleviating suffering & influencing random acts of kindness across the globe.

Parshat Pekudei - Mishkan

Parshat Pekudei


The mitzvot that dominant nations are most fervently against automatically require extra valor and self-sacrifice to fulfill. Observing these precepts takes on higher meaning as an expression of emuna.




A tree was planted across the park From my balcony I glimpse its branches and the old men sitting in the shade They brought…

Parshat Vayaqhel - many blue figures walking after a red leader

Parshat Vayaq’hel


The melekh does not actually rule over Israel but rather embodies the mission and aspirations of his nation to the extent that he becomes a microcosm of the entire Jewish people and his personal identity is absorbed into Israel’s collective national identity.

Parshat Ki Tisa - doves and an Israeli flag

Parshat Ki Tisa


Through a heightened awareness of Israel’s true inner essence, we can see past the sharp ideological divisions and appreciate the intrinsic unity beneath and beyond our surface disputes.

Twisted Metal


I wonder what those future archaeologists will think of these derelict towers and rusted iron smokestacks jutting from the ancient earth and what stories…