To Wipe out Amalek
byWhen Father and Mother were walking due east As they left Egypt’s slavery behind them, The lingering shadows about them took form And the…
When Father and Mother were walking due east As they left Egypt’s slavery behind them, The lingering shadows about them took form And the…
Torrential grey and misty white met sleek on gentle slopes Cascading down To declare a coursing splendor each in their time Upon the grasping…
Come to her in peace, and she will meet you with peace the trees will drip honey and fresh olive oil flowing as the…
Still wearing their pajamas, the two girls ran down stairs to see what presents were beneath the tree. But instead of cries of joy, they both screamed.
Each of us is a candle We stand tall and proud, like wicks We draw on the oil of our past And buried deep…
On a rooftop Looking down Upon this scene that splits the night Mosaics blue The golden crown A plot of land that blares with…
I found a mirror one fine night and in its face were burning bright those flecks of fire, sterling white lancing the inky, earnest…
As I walk by the shore where my forefathers stood And look out on the sand and the sea, My blood starts to churn…
Can a stream shape a mountain? Rabbi Akiva realized this When he saw the water dripping Dripping On the rock He understood the gentle…
Rabbi Akiva was the greatest of the Talmudic sages & a leading voice of Judean resistance to Roman rule. He served as a leader in the Bar Kokhba Revolt & still inspires generations with his teachings.
The worst attempt in history To quench the holy fire Where just a very lucky few Slipped through the tight barbed wire We…
We are offering ourselves On the altars of corporate idols We are the sheep being slaughtered Led astray by the big lie This self-sacrificial…