Twelve Tribes

Twelve Tribes

In his final blessings did Israel prescribe
The national role to be filled by each tribe.
To join as one in their mutual creation:
A kingdom of priests and a sanctified nation.

Though go straight to Reuven the leadership oughta’
Both he and his judgement were hasty, like water.
Yehuda, the melekh, was chosen to lead
To account for and balance each tribe’s every need.

Both Shimon and Levi, a zealot each one
Would disperse through the land into which they would come.
While all the young children were Shimon’s to teach
Levi served to help others high levels to reach.

Z’vulun would partner Yissakhar, his brother
And each would provide for the good of the other.
The former, a trader, launched ships from the shore
While the latter, a scholar, engaged with the law.

From Gad came the fighters, Naphtali – the writers,
From Asher – fresh goods (and I hope they invite us),
From Dan fierce guerrillas would leave their abode
To bring down their prey by the side of the road.

Through Yosef the nation would build and expand
(Though a tribe with this focus cannot rule the land).)
And Binyamin – the wolf, to be treated with caution
The Holy of Holies would stand in his portion.

And these are the blessings, and through them we see
That by finding the tribe with the role right for me
We can give our full selves into building the whole.
And that is our mission, and that is our goal.

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