The time has come to escape from the cage of the shallow material comforts Jews enjoy in the various countries outside our land and move home to Israel.
Time to Come Home

While there are many beautiful & inspiring reasons to move home to Israel, Jews can’t afford to ignore the reality that the Diaspora is simply no longer safe.
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I agree completely that it’s not safe in the diaspora and Jews ought to be making aliyah. Something I never hear people considering when they make these calls, is those Jews who are most vulnerable: disabled and chronically ill Jews who are unable to support themselves financially, and are therefore not eligible for aliyah. Were it not for this restriction, I would have returned home many years ago – it’s been deeply distressing to have my “Jews get out” alarms going off increasingly loudly for the past 20 years while being unable to heed them.
Healthcare professionals and disability benefits assessors, who literally have the power of life and death over those of us reliant on their goodwill, are too often Jewhaters who will use their position of power over us. We cannot afford to be left in galut, but we’re not allowed to come home. We need non-disabled people to put pressure on the Jewish Agency & Misrad Ha’Aliya v’Klita not to abandon us. We’re also part of Am Yisrael and now is an essential time to include us in the increased achdut that this war has brought out.