Superpower Patronage is Simply Quite Atrocious

Uncle Sam
(To the tune of Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious)

Now trying to express oneself is hard, you’ll understand
When coming home from exile back to one’s own native land
We’ve not unpacked our baggage yet, a true chaotic scene
But one thing does stand out to me as frankly quite obscene…

Superpower patronage is simply quite atrocious
Now the Hebrew nation is dependent on a foe–cious,
Even though our leaders think it makes them sound precocious
Superpower patronage is simply quite atrocious!


We used to be a nation proud with courage, faith and honour
But then the Romans scattered us, they thought we’d be a goner
We yet survived outside the land, a sight unique to find
But years of exile took their toll upon our state of mind

Superpower patronage is simply quite atrocious
Baby, to be free, a nation needs to be ferocious!
Sucking up to foreigners is not the way to go-cious,
Superpower patronage is simply quite atrocious!


Relentless persecution made us get it in our head
That powerful protection stops us being killed stone dead,
We pleaded with the noblemen to shelter us with grace
But when the violence rose too high, the door slammed in our face

Superpower patronage is simply quite atrocious
God, it hurts my heart to think that we would stoop this low-cious!
Everywhere I look I see the way we’ve lost our focus,
Superpower patronage is simply quite atrocious!


When scattered through the nations as a disembodied soul
I understand survival would become our only goal,
This attitude makes sense out there – but now we’re home once more
So why are we still acting in the way we did before?

Superpower patronage is simply quite atrocious!
Surely in this changing world it’s time to let them go-cious!
Cast this burden off our backs and we can start to grow-cious,
Superpower patronage is
Nothing less than sacrilegious
Superpower patronage is simply quite atrocious!

Superpower patronage is simply quite atrocious!

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1 Comment

  • It is our destiny to become a morality superpower ourselves! (gorgeous rhyming, RG, keep inspiring us!)

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