Listen My Nation

Israeli people
Photo: Ariel Schalit
From שמונה קבצים א' קס"ג (Eight Notebooks 1:163) of Rabbi Avraham Yitzḥak HaKohen Kook

Listen to me, my nation.

From within my soul I am speaking to you.

From within the innermost depths of my soul I am speaking to you.

From the bond of life, with which I am bound to each and every one of you, all of you are bound to me.

I am speaking to you from a feeling that is deeper within me than all of the feelings of my life.

That you, only you, individually and together, all of your souls, all of your generations, only you, are the content of my life.

I live only through you.

Only by the singular unit that binds us all together as one people, does my life have content that can be called life. I have no life, other than through my connection to you.

Without you, I have nothing.

All of the hopes, all of the longing and aspirations, all value that can be found in life – all of that, I find within myself, only through my connection to you. I therefore need to bind myself and connect to all of your souls.

I feel that I am compelled to love you, with infinite love.

I can’t feel any other feeling.

All of the small loves and the great loves of my life, all of them are bound together and contained in your love and in the love of all of you, through the greater binding of individuals into a nation.

Each one of you, every individual separate and lonely soul from amongst you, is a great and important spark, from the torch of the light of all worlds, which illuminates for me the light of my life.

You, only you, give content and meaning to my life. To my work, to my learning, to my prayer, to my song, and to my hopes.

By way of the channel of your existence, I sense everything, and through you, I love everything.

On the wings of the spirit of your affection and love, I am able to ascend to the love of God.

And the love of G-d becomes clear and understood to me, as well as burns in my heart and shines brilliantly in my thoughts and mind together with you, my nation, you, my people, my mother, the source of my life.

Together with you, I can soar to the expanses of the world, with your eternity, I live a life of eternity even after my death. With your pride and splendor, I am filled with splendor and with glory.

With your suffering, I am filled with pain. With the anguish within your souls, I’m filled with bitterness.

With the understanding and the wisdom that’s within you, I am filled with understanding and wisdom.

A treasure of life, is every single beat, every single step.

Your land, the land of all that you are hoping for, is holy to me.

Her skies are the source of all charm and beauty. She is the source of the beauty of all worlds, from her Carmel region to her Sharon region, she is the source of all hope, blessing, and the source of all life.

She is the source of the guardian of all splendor and beauty forever and ever for eternity.

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