In Those Days, At This Time (III)

In Those Day, At This Time

When our nation wandered in the wilderness
a strange enemy drew near
cloaked in Amalekite garb
but they spoke the Canaanite tongue
a language of land and captured territory
who were they really?
we could not tell
“HaShem, save us from this nation”

When we entered the land
we learned to tell the two apart
Entreating the Canaanites
with a strong hand and outstretched arm,
But the war with Amalek
commanded to the last man, the last hoof
not even a memory left over

So too, as we strayed
in the deserts of Europe
the snakes and scorpions amassed
biting and stinging
and we were overwhelmed
so we lumped them together
and prayed for relief

But now we have re-entered the land
it will not do
to keep living in the past
to see the world in black and white
we need watchful eyes and attentive ears

Eyes to scout for enemies
who seek to overturn our candelabra
dressed up and chanting, “Free Palestine!”
as if this were a dispute over land

And ears to open and take heed
of all the suffering we have caused,
And to realize
that they don’t all want us dead

Sure, some of them do
but who is speaking?
Amalekite? Canaanite?
For questions of territory can be solved
but there is no compromise with Amalek

And we cannot wipe him out
Until we know how to find him, right?

In those days it sufficed
Nowadays it does not
We must learn to look deeper.

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