One minute dancing with the sefer Torah
The next standing in shocked silence
As our brothers race off to war
One minute a festive meal with family
The next, smoke and tear-streaked faces
As Jews lie covered within tents
Bullets and unanswered questions fly back and forth
as our people scrambles to recover
our brothers and sisters, snatched right out of our hands
Why did this happen? How were we overwhelmed?
Perhaps it is not a surprise
that a people as fractured as ours
required an earthquake to wake us up
It is said that Am Yisrael are fit to live in one sukkah
but we haven’t been acting as such
and now a wall has fallen
HaShem, I beg of you
Give us might, and courage, and integrity
To arise to this awesome challenge
Of becoming one nation in the land
So our sukkah may become a shelter of peace
But for now
Soldiers, you are our strong hand and outstretched arm
Go forth and fight our battles
and return home safely