
"Egypt" by Molly Cloutier - palm leaves

I’m grateful that you brought me out of Egypt,
But each generation has its own Egypt
From which we must extract ourselves-
You give us the tools, but we must execute.
Many remained in Egypt for fear of the unknown-
For the devil you know is better than the devil you don’t, right?
As a group, we’ve become obsessed with the path,
This super-highway to Gan Eden
Where tattoos tear holes in your tires
And pants promote pile-ups.
Where a smart-phone sends you spinning out of control
And a collar bone can result in a “T-bone”.
With this shiny, straight super-highway
We’ve forgotten the curving back roads.
Those 2-lane avenues where you can slow down,
Take in the view, and go both ways.
We forget that our friends live on those back roads
And that we do, too.
We left Egypt 600,000 strong-
That’s 600,000 unique pathways,
Why are we now limiting ourselves to one?
The Egypt we face today is conformity.
God gave each of us a life
And everything in this great universe
Because we are all necessary and unique.
We are all yearning and searching
And striving to elevate different parts of this world-
How could one itinerary cover all of that?
Now, more than ever, we must extract ourselves
From the unrelenting funnel that is the super-highway
And reconnect to how beautiful this journey can be
When it is made authentically.
We need to get back on those country roads
So we can see all that there is to be grateful for-
Because, God knows, the destination isn’t the only goal.

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