What’s a ‘Decolonized Judean’? (with Elisheva Hazan)

Decolonized Judean Elisheva Hazan
What can a decolonization process look like for both Diaspora Jews & the Jewish people as a collective?


Ysabella Elisheva Hazan joins Yehuda HaKohen to talk about her “Decolonized Judean” movement and the application of postcolonial tools to Jewish identity issues. The two also discuss Israeli-Palestinian reconciliation and how “Sternism” differed from Zionism during the pre-state era.

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Guest: Elisheva Hazan

Hosted by: Yehuda HaKohen

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1 Comment

  • this was a really great talk, I am impressed by this young woman who has clearly put a lot of thought into this subject. Rabbi Yehudah does a good job here. I wish more people would take the time to think about the importance of authentic Identity.

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