Days Are Coming

The Great Jewish Revolt
Painter: David Roberts

Behold, days are coming
When the emperor’s countenance will darken
The windows of his face will become closed off
Like a pale moon obscured by clouds.

No longer will he send his hand through the hole
Through which he tossed scraps and tidbits
Lukewarm gestures, paltry words of approval
And we would roll over like a dog with a bone

That hand will grasp the chain
By which he tied us to the fence
Letting us run around thinking we were free
And jerk it tightly
By my side, Jew
Remember who gives you food

And we will stir, realizing
That this is not our master

Behold, days are coming
When the emperor’s features will contort
And he will order us to do his bidding
Lie down, for I need a place to stand
But you don’t deserve a place to stand
And this is my birthright

Then voices will be raised
And hands will be clenched in pockets
And when he embraces his younger brother
We will become locked in struggle
Surprised that your teeth should break over us?
Please. Even God called us a stiff-necked people

And he will become incensed with us
Moving his armies to our borders
Pummeling our leaders with open threats
But we will stand on Mount Moriah and sneer
At the torrents ascending from Seir

And the world will see how we never needed you
But you always needed us
And your vision will grow redder than your hair

And don’t dare try to say
“Israel bites the hand that feeds her”
For not fifty years ago you let us starve

And Apostomus will yet burn Torah scrolls in public
And scholars will smash the idol before Herod’s palace
And as we find ourselves, you will lose us
And Jews will gather in the streets
As the road opens for revolt

For you haven’t seen the Torah
That sets souls on fire, raising soldiers from scholars
Commanding – no, obligating
That we break free from foreign shackles

But I see it,
I see all this as if it were a play
Unfolding before my very eyes

And I call out, for I must call out
As far as my voice will carry
“Go, gather all the Jews”
It’s been done before
We can do it again

For when the nations ascend to Jerusalem
We have to be ready
And we will shine like a diamond
Or break apart like an iceberg

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