The True Freedom of Pesaḥ
byTrue freedom means being able to comply with what our essential inner selves demand of us.
True freedom means being able to comply with what our essential inner selves demand of us.
Master of the Universe, as the moon you have made us The wax and wane of eternal tides To run your course, seek your…
Israel’s laws and customs possess incredible cosmic significance way beyond the revealed reasons for which they were ostensibly established.
As Jewish historiography features a primordialist view of national identities, Biblical nations such as Mitzrayim are generally seen as representing timeless forces in history.
The haggadah in every generation is meant to teach Israel how to liberate ourselves and understand the basic value of our people’s freedom.
Wild tempest and Torrential grey Beat nature unto the shoals Of my soul The stormdance of Gale and gust Ripping at my pages Tears…
Even had Egypt’s dominance on the world stage declined later in history due to natural circumstances, the Pharaonic worldview would have continued to dominate the thinking of man.
Israel has dramatically returned to the world stage in what has so far been merely the introduction to a revolutionary process destined to free humankind from a global order that promotes injustice.
The windows of the Synogogue at נופי נחמיה look out onto the mountains of Samaria. From where I stand in the בית כנסת, I can…