Don’t Lose the Thread
Anyone else feeling a little frayed around the edges?
Rav Mike Feuer is a teacher, consultant, spiritual counselor and creator of "The Jewish Story" podcast. His teaching style blends rigorous analysis with a passionate love for Torah and is driven by the power of story to shape our world.
Anyone else feeling a little frayed around the edges?
The story of how US President Jimmy Carter and Egyptian President Anwar Sadat successfully wrestled the Sinai Peninsula from Israeli Prime Minister Menaḥem Begin at Camp David.
Begin’s electoral victory was the beginning of revolutionary change for Israel, but not the end.
Very few events in the State of Israel’s history have had a greater impact than the elections of 1977.
Many people look at the world today and fear what might come in the wake of the current US decline.
What’s the special significance of the number eight in Hebrew thought and what’s its unique connection to the Maccabean festival of Ḥanukah?
Heroism is a precious trait – one that Lieutenant Colonel Yoni Netanyahu exemplified strongly enough to stun the world with his final mission.
How did Prime Minister Rabin’s miscalculations in the 1970s lead to a strengthening of Palestinian solidarity across the ‘green line’ and cause the beginning of a divide between Israelis & US Jews?
While most people associate Prime Minister Rabin’s legacy with his second term in office, it’s worth examining the domestic challenges & international pressures he had to navigate during his first term.
Gush Emunim was the vanguard seeking to provide a new spirit for a society in crisis & lead the struggle for Israel’s retention of the lands won in 1967.
If Israel is meant to be a light unto nations, we can measure how well we’re living up to that charge by assessing how other nations view the State of Israel.
The feminist movement & US Jewish life strongly influenced one another during the 1960s & 70s.