Sharon & Begin in Beaufort Lebanon

The First Lebanon War III

Ariel Sharon chased Yasser Arafat into a siege at Beirut – where he discovered that Israel’s Maronite allies were not as dependable as he had hoped.

First Lebanon War - Begin & Sharon

The First Lebanon War II

Understanding the Lebanon War requires us to examine the explosive combination of Lebanon’s tumultuous history with Begin’s questionable decision to hand Ariel Sharon the defense ministry.

In Search of Joy - the month of Adar

In Search of Joy

The world as it currently exists creates formidable obstacles for people seeking to find true joy in life.

Evacuation of the Sinai

The Evacuation of the Sinai

People like to talk about the price of peace but they rarely define what ‘peace’ actually means. This actually makes evaluating the price impossible.

Yehuda Etzion

The West Bank Jewish Underground I

Following Begin’s betrayal at Camp David, the revolutionary teachings of Shabtai ben-Dov provided young Gush Emunim activists with a vision that would inspire a new Jewish underground.