Parshat B’reishit
byHaShem’s Divine Oneness and the harmonious unity of existence within Him is the deterministic blueprint of all human history that will be revealed to mankind through the story of Israel.
HaShem’s Divine Oneness and the harmonious unity of existence within Him is the deterministic blueprint of all human history that will be revealed to mankind through the story of Israel.
Contrary to the positive media spin, US aid to Israel only serves the interests of the American military industrial complex while eroding Israeli independence and chaining our policies to the regional interests of a foreign power.
Despite Washington’s relentless campaign against Assange, first under US President Barack Obama and now Donald Trump, WikiLeaks continues to publish important material that would otherwise remain hidden from public view.
We must address the common misconceptions that prevent scholars – from academia to the yeshiva world – from properly engaging Israel’s Torah.
At such moments it becomes easier and more politically savvy for Netanyahu to play up the security-minded western conservative feature of his political identity and tone down his inner ideological Jewish nationalist.
The Torah is not merely some disjointed ritual precepts but rather the Divine Ideal from before existence placed into this reality for the sake of elevating our world beyond its current limitations.
Netanyahu, once regularly criticized for antagonizing Washington but now enjoying a surge of domestic popularity due to his seemingly close relationship with Trump, was in no position to reject the president’s statements.
When your mind is barren and your heart is burst and all the promises you made to the glow of embers in your hearth…
While the World Bank may know how to measure poverty and unemployment, the solutions it suggests almost always ensure dependency on the imperialist powers.
The festival of Sukkot takes on an entirely different dimension when celebrated on our native soil.
The essence of the story is the total devotion each martyr had to spreading and protecting the Torah and for being lions in the struggle to free their country from Roman rule.
By now we should know that peace won’t come to this region through imposing Western nation-state structures and drawing neat lines that separate peoples from their identities and sacred lands.