Parshat Vayeira - Akeidat Yitzhak

Parshat Vayeira


A deep understanding of events helps us appreciate how Avraham’s transgression provided the opportunity for him to ascend incredible heights through an unbelievable act of tshuva m’ahava.

Roots of a tree, for the poem "Roots" by Ari Shapiro



My father planted an ancient tree In foreign soil which starved its roots The tree developed, gnarled and twisted Displaying its resilience with every…

Parshat Lekh Lekha - people and camels walking in the desert

Parshat Lekh Lekha


It is precisely Avraham’s valiant behavior in battle that proves the authenticity of his compassion to all of HaShem’s creatures, presenting a model of true kindness for the Hebrew nation to uphold.