byI’m grateful that you brought me out of Egypt, But each generation has its own Egypt From which we must extract ourselves- You give…
I’m grateful that you brought me out of Egypt, But each generation has its own Egypt From which we must extract ourselves- You give…
The revival of our language, ingathering of our exiles, attainment of independence and unification of Jerusalem merely represent stages in a larger ongoing revolution we are meant to participate in.
In anticipation of the Shavuot festival, please enjoy this 2015 discussion on how Israel’s Oral Torah actually predates the Written Torah.
Those interested in making the state more expressive of Jewish values should focus on the aspects of Torah that can meet the people’s real material needs and express the universal vision of our prophets better than current Israeli policies.
Listen to Her, for She is always speaking Straining against these lines drawn and quartered tattooed on aging maps Her’s is not the type…
Rabbi Mike Feuer joins a discussion on the historic significance of Yom Yerushalayim and the need for a uniquely Hebrew Universalism in the wake of Zionism’s success.
Jerusalem can’t be liberated by fragmented militias. Only a unified people’s army can succeed at conquering Jerusalem for the Jewish people.
The Jewish return home suddenly possessed undeniable historic significance – unless the results of the Six Day War could somehow be reversed.
I have been filled with longing For golden stone and cobbled streets For prayer and dance by the Holy of Holies I have been…
On May 19, fighters from the People’s Liberation Guerrilla Army (PLGA) seized the town of Timurpalli in the Malkangiri district of Odisha. Laying waste…
Political analyst Mordechai Taub joins a bonus episode of The Next Stage to discuss Binyamin Netanyahu’s efforts to form a new government.
Rabbi Shimon bar-Yoḥai refused to accept Roman dominion over Judea. As a fugitive from the empire, he hid out in a cave where the legendary Eliyahu taught him the Torah’s deepest secrets.