Anti-Jewish Attacks Should Raise New Conversations & Strategies
byDo Jews really have a future in the United States or is this place no different from pretty much any other foreign land we’ve wandered through?
Do Jews really have a future in the United States or is this place no different from pretty much any other foreign land we’ve wandered through?
Jewish national institutions need to stop silencing and excluding student activists from meaningful participation in the World Zionist Congress.
On a rooftop Looking down Upon this scene that splits the night Mosaics blue The golden crown A plot of land that blares with…
In challenging the hegemonic power of the very concept of neutrality, we can better understand the oppressions of marginalized groups in the West.
I found a mirror one fine night and in its face were burning bright those flecks of fire, sterling white lancing the inky, earnest…
Were the Fighters for the Freedom of Israel the factor that forced the British to leave Palestine?
There are some very compelling reasons why Jews should refrain from celebrating Thanksgiving.
The new hero’s journey strives for the synthesis inherent in regaining access to our mythological roots while remaining in a conscious state.
As the nation of former slaves who introduced Shabbat to mankind, we shouldn’t force workers to choose between their basic needs and spending time with their families the one day children are home.
If this was in fact a coup d’état, it was orchestrated by Avigdor Lieberman and goes way beyond the nation’s legal establishment.
It’s more likely that the statement was based on the Trump administration’s perception of its short term political interests than actually constituting a major long term shift in foreign policy.
The cooling of Trump’s public attitude toward Netanyahu is likely meant to further damage an already vulnerable political leader.