Lessons From the Attack on Huwara
byThe Jews who attacked Huwara this week are actually Israel’s best suited ambassadors for reconciliation with Palestinian society.
The Jews who attacked Huwara this week are actually Israel’s best suited ambassadors for reconciliation with Palestinian society.
The domestic & international hysteria over the Israeli government’s challenge to the Supreme Court serves to obfuscate the actual situation.
The real issue at the core of Israel’s judicial reform isn’t ‘democracy’ but rather Israel’s very identity.
The ostensibly sudden rebirth of Jew hatred in the United States today requires deep investigation.
Israel has the right to formulate definitions of ‘religious freedom’ that serve to protect the Israeli public from predatory Christian missionaries.
What can Tu B’Shvat teach us about formulating a new vision for Jewish liberation & the reborn nation of Israel’s critical role on the international stage?
The ostensibly sudden rebirth of Jew hatred in the United States today requires deep investigation.
If man is a microcosm of the universe then black holes exist inside him too It’s never hard to fall it’s even inviting just…
The real fault lines in Israeli politics are not the headline news items but actually something else.
An attempt to confront the contradictions between Israeli identity & liberal American Jewish identity.
There is There is tension in the chest There is worry in the throat There is poison on the tongue, at the back, where…
While not a perfect match, many of the themes found in Moana echo the Jewish people’s story.