Exploring Yair’s Political Tendencies (with Sharona eshet-Kohen)

Sharona Eshet-Kohen and Yehuda HaKohen discuss Avraham Stern's political tendencies - image of the grave of Yair
What influence did the dominant political ideologies of the early 20th Century have on Avraham Stern's development into Yair?

Commemorating the anniversary of Avraham ‘Yair’ Stern‘s assassination, Yehuda HaKohen and Sharona eshet-Kohen examine the development of Yair’s ideological worldview, specifically exploring his relationship with Israel’s Torah, as well as Marxism, Fascism and various Zionist political streams.

Sharona specifically critiques the biases and poor research methods that have led many academics to reductivist conclusions when trying to understand Yair.

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Guest: Sharona eshet-Kohen

Hosted by: Yehuda HaKohen

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