Stern & His Gang (With Z’ev Golan)

Z'ev Golan & Yehuda HaKohen
Photo: Yehuda Katz
Were the Fighters for the Freedom of Israel the factor that forced the British to leave Palestine?

Z’ev Golan joins Yehuda HaKohen on The Next Stage podcast to discuss his book, Stern: The Man & His Gang, and to address questions of how a Sternist political orientation could be applied to contemporary Israeli foreign policy.

Inspired by Golan’s involvement in publishing Rabbi Shlomo Molkho’s writings, the conversation also touches on many of the pre-Zionist Jewish liberation movements and contextualizes Leḥi as a link in that chain.

Ya'ir Stern

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Guest: Z’ev Golan

Hosted by: Yehuda HaKohen

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