Who is Amalek?

Where does Israel's historic arch foe come from? What are its foundational beliefs? Who can best be identified as Amalek in modern times from the perspective of Jewish historiography?

The original Amalek was the grandson of Esav. Our sages identify Esav as the progenitor of Western civilization (not necessarily biologically but certainly in terms of values and behavior). Amalek should therefore be seen as the most militantly nationalist component of the West – essentially white nationalism.

Amalek generally sees Israel as the greatest threat to its civilization (((white genocide))) and we Jews in turn regard Amalek as the worst of our foes. We’ve confronted each other several times in our long history. The German Holocaust is the last time they attempted to destroy us. But Purim celebrates a conflict in which we got the upper hand and triumphed against them. ?

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Hosted by: Yehuda HaKohen

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