A Wall is Built as a Wall Falls – In Parts

A Wall is Built as a Wall Falls - In Parts
Photo: Unsplash.com

And on the first day there was a groan
as if the earth herself contracted
sweat beading down her brow
and the stuck sob in the center of her throat
Poured forth in tremors and caterwauls

The lowest of us made a choice that day
By your blood shall you live
By your blood shall you die
and no sword was left dull

Can you remember when that first stone fell?
When the broken dust filled our lungs
and demons screamed through the gap
lunging and slaking
unknown to themselves
too comfortable for many
just right for some

To be within oneself when that wall fell
When that first stone returned to its womb
That was mortal sin
That was darkness
That was the loss

Remember, remember
and never forget
your heart’s whisper in those moments
That is where you stand

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