Wake Up

Wake Up (poem): view in Samaria
Photo: Rivka bat-Cohen

I wake up

To the rock covered hills

To the olive trees and lined caravans

To a sunrise in Samaria

My empty sleep has ceased

Truth has ended slumber’s term

Is there anything more beautiful

Than this land, these people, these rock covered hills

These olive trees and lined caravans

This sunrise in Samaria

Awake, my soul, from your slumber

Sing out Modeh Ani  

A new morning has come

I join my spiritual nation

Am Yisrael

The marriage of our two souls seeks out the fruits of it’s consummation

The people of Israel and the land

Combine under the Chuppah of Heaven

And make a house for their kingdom

(Originally published at https://itsjustsomethingtothinkabout.wordpress.com)

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