V’Shavu Banim

LA pro-Israel rally
Photo: Hans Gutknecht, Los Angeles Daily News/SCNG

“I stand with Israel” you proclaim
From a million miles across the sea
As rockets rain down over my head

“I stand with Israel” in LA, in Brooklyn
On your Facebook, with your wallet, with your vote
While your brothers stand on the verge of war 

V’shavu banim ligvulam

“I stand with Israel” – the Jewish state
With an unassailable Jewish majority
That our daughters birthed through the pangs of labor

“I stand with Israel” yet there you cower
The eternal minority of Edom’s empire
Afraid to raise your voice and cry “I am a Jew”

V’shavu banim ligvulam

“I stand with Israel” but not with its government
Its people are mine, but its leaders have strayed
If only… if only… if only…

“I stand with Israel” as the Jewish democratic state
The eternal contradiction, with endless solutions but no end in sight
If only you could hear my voice

V’shavu banim ligvulam

“I stand with Israel” but you don’t know where to stand
How can you really stand with me here
When you’re all the way over there?

“I stand with Israel” but you don’t know where you stand
How can you stand up and take a stand
While you stand on foreign land

V’shavu banim ligvulam

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