This is my Land

This is My Land
Photo: Ḥaim Avraham Ifraḥ

You cannot take it from me, nor can you persuade me to relinquish it.
Not through protest, nor through violence; not by starving me or denying me what I need.
If you seek my land, you will have to pry it from the lifeless grip of my corpse.
No whip or club will break my back; no disaster or travesty will shatter my spirit.
Try as you might, I will stand tall until my final breath.

I have fought for three thousand years and will continue to fight for three thousand more.
I have clashed with giants, kings, and empires, faced armies of countless numbers.
It will take more than the combined strength of the world to displace me again.

Sing your chants, hurl your stones, wield your blades, unleash your bombs; they hold no power over me.
I fear nothing.
Enslavement, displacement, massacres, cleansings, genocides, destruction, I have shed oceans of blood and tears, witnessed it all, and still, I stand unshaken in my convictions and mission.

I am the enduring light, impervious to the winds or the waters.
No meagre being like you can extinguish me.
One day, you will yearn for my light as your “civilizations” devour themselves.
You are hollow, empty, filled only with darkness.
I do not hate you; I pity you.
Like a lost child, you stumble and rage at what you cannot understand.

I am woven from the threads of priests, warriors, kings, queens, martyrs, and sages.
My essence surpasses that of any individual.
I am glorious, terrifying, and compassionate in equal measure.
I am crafted in the image of my King and Creator.
I am Israel, I am eternal, and I fear none but HIM.

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