Chips Fly When Trees are Felled with Arieh Eldad

Dr. Arieh Eldad
Photo: Arieh Eldad
Can revolutionary movements achieve lofty goals without harming innocent people along the way?

Former Member of Knesset Dr. Arieh Eldad joins Yehuda HaKohen on The Next Stage podcast to discuss his new book, Chips Fly when Trees are Felled: The Final Chapter of Leḥi, focusing on how revolutionary movements must by necessity “break eggs to make an omelette.”

The two also speak about the split within Lei (Fighters for the Freedom of Israel), the ideological legacy of Dr. Israel Eldad and the modern return of Biblical-style prophecy expressed through Uri Zvi Greenberg.

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Guest: Dr. Arieh Eldad

Hosted by: Yehuda HaKohen

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