The Soul Rests Elsewhere

The Soul Rests Elsewhere
Photo: Ari Osher

Home is where the heart is,
I think they say.
Yet where the soul rests,
Seems to me more likely.
What am I – flesh and bones?
The corporeal being that seeps besides me.
What can I do – hope and pray?
Home seems so far away but still inside.

I know somewhere solace lies,
And peace beneath a cedar tree.
I know sometime will come, one day,
And I’ll cry a happy song.
What makes us who we are – what we wish? Who gives us peace – and pain?

I look up and I wonder where my place is
What my plan is
What’s next?
Is it now or is it later?
Is it close or is it far?
Am I on the right path?
The “road less traveled?”

But I’ve seen far and wide and I feel Your Presence clearly.
Speak to me, pleads the widow, the orphan, and the convert.
You hear our prayers but close us out,
Why, my Lord, have we left You?

Once upon a time things were different.
We closed our eyes and we saw Your Truth.
We felt You close like the wind passing by.
What happened?
Where did You go?

I close my eyes to see what I’m missing,
To see what we lost,
To see what You took.
I open my eyes and I’m back where I started,
An empty abyss.

Open up my eyes, dear G-d, and show me Your Blessings.
Guide me, my King, and give me Your Hope.
Save me, my Lord, and bring me Home.
I pray.

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