Shushan, the Capital

Shushan the Capital

In Shushan, the capital,
All is well.
The drinks are flowing,
The food is abundant.
It’s all kosher!
As they chuckle on by.

We have found favor in the king’s eyes.
Our safety,
Our prosperity,
Our wealth,
Our future.
All thanks to him.

It is easy to be a Jew in Shushan, the capital.
To aspire to the kingdom’s highest levels,
To influence the world from within.
Anything they can do we can do better.

In Shushan, the capital, we may be attacked,
But the king is protecting us,
The king listens to us,
So we’ll be alright.
In any case, Jerusalem is only a flight away.

But life in Shushan, the capital, couldn’t be better.
Why should we go Home?
The Jews of Shushan, the capital, love Israel.
To send money,
To visit,
To pray.
But never to live.
How could we ever leave Shushan, the capital?

Look, here we practice freely.
How many kosher restaurants do you see?
And shuls?
Our future is safe in Shushan, the capital!
And our kids after us.

Only in Shushan, the capital, can you build wealth,
Grow a family,
Have freedom,

We have everything we can ever need.
Everything except for the real King.

Next year in Jerusalem!
But today in Shushan, the capital.

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