

And ask what am I,
staring at these baskets
set on the moss
and hanging from the vines

this mess of limbs
padded with flesh
bones dormant and unseen
blood coursing
pushing sediment to the banks
breathe deep
the fragrant earth
dark soil to be tilled

this painted stage
opera box, pit, vom
a walled garden and an open field
a tree struck by lightning
(pacing in the wings)
swirl of reactions
maelstrom on open ocean
snow flurries and howling sands
soft, breathing air
cleansed by rain

this quiet spiral
ancient, dreaming
iron bracelets and
glaring sun
rising tide and
waxing moon
death of gods and
birth of freedom
a smiling child
broken glass and

a curse muttered:
forgotten, forgotten
a small voice:
remember, remember
a plea of heaven
an altar of earth

I will name you
so others will call out
and twist your neck
in their clumsy embrace

I will name you
so I may walk in the market
and trade you
for bread and water
and sell you
for meat and wine
and stretch you
for a roof over my head

I will name you
but not for your sake
I will name you
so I am not alone

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