Rethinking the Liberation of Ḥaredi Women (with Sharona eshet-Kohen)

Rethinking the Liberation of Haredi Women
How can non-Ḥaredi feminists best show up for women living in Ḥaredi Jewish communities?

Lizzy Oziel & Yehuda HaKohen are joined by Postcolonial Hebrew Feminist theorist Sharona eshet-Kohen to discuss a recent Haaretz op-ed by Yehudis Fletcher on issues confronting women in Ḥaredi Jewish communities.

Lizzy & Yehuda also discuss the potential political ramifications that an upsurge in Israeli-Palestinian violence could have on the coalition Binyamin Netanyahu (Likud) might form.

Anyone interested in participating in Sharona’s upcoming Postcolonial Jewish Feminist Theory Fellowship, can apply here (application deadline is the 15th of Kislev / December 9).

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Guest: Sharona eshet-Kohen

Hosted by: Lizzy Oziel & Yehuda HaKohen

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