Reflections on Har HaBayit

Dome of the Rock, Al-Aqsa Mosque, Har HaBayit
Photo by Mauricio Artieda from Pexels

On a rooftop
Looking down
Upon this scene that splits the night

Mosaics blue
The golden crown
A plot of land that blares with light

The place where earth
Caresses heaven
And heaven reaches down in kind
I know this place
For it was given
To touch my people’s heart and mind
And shine a light to mankind
As I peer down on what remains
I yearn to see His house

But then I see
The scorching flames
Consume the place where Israel knelt
I bear the cries
Of old and young
The unrelenting shame
We felt
I hear the whispered songs we sung
I see the blood
Still being spilt!
So long! So long!
And how much longer?
Until when must we pay our dues?

For even though we now are stronger
The palace still is locked
For Jews
The house is built
– But not the throne
His crown is here
– The jewel is gone
This thing I see
Is not our own
This shrine is an unnatural one
There’s anger, yes
Within my heart
That they could steal our holy place

But one emotion
Stands apart
As I look on that empty space
The years of exile weigh me down
A weariness
Within my bones
And shackles. O,
Do you hear her earthly moans?
O Lord on high, please!
Hear my plea!
Please let us see you don your crown
To see the earth and heaven kissing

For although Your presence
Comforts me
I fear we don’t know what we’re missing

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