Win Win: A Radical Vision for Peace

Lauren Taus interview Yehuda HaKohen of Pisgat Yaakov
Photo: Sharon Avraham
Can you imagine a story that’s big enough to encompass seemingly rival narratives?

Lauren Taus of INBodied Life meets Rabbi Yehuda HaKohen – an alternative peace activist and outspoken critic of the two-state solution. Living in a West Bank “outpost” but not identifying as a “settler,” HaKohen works with Jewish and Palestinian radicals on the front lines of the conflict and believes that the “extremists” on both sides are best suited to make a lasting peace. Lauren discovers Israeli-Palestinian peace work that focuses on uniting “extremists” from both sides behind a win-win vision for the country.

Their conversation will shift your paradigm.

Guests: Yehuda HaKohen

Hosted by: Lauren Taus

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