Parshat Yitro
The Torah is not a ‘religion’ relegated to the houses of study or prayer. Nor is it a set of rules meant to coercively modify human behavior.
The Torah is not a ‘religion’ relegated to the houses of study or prayer. Nor is it a set of rules meant to coercively modify human behavior.
When they rant about “white genocide” & “cultural Marxism,” they may not mean that Jews are literally out to kill white people. But they do mean we’re undermining the very foundations of White society.
In the wake of a catastrophe caused by hatred & violence between peoples, civilization attempted to erase all differences & unite mankind in a desire for economic prosperity & technological advancement.
The essence of the story is the total devotion each martyr had to spreading and protecting the Torah and for being lions in the struggle to free their country from Roman rule.
Thinking outside-the-box & questioning the assumptions behind most of our political conclusions can prevent Israel’s national-religious camp from losing our way or unwittingly betraying the struggle we’ve committed our lives to.
By targeting non-Zionist Jewish institutions, Palestinian solidarity activists are ironically increasing the national consciousness of many Jews otherwise alienated from the Israeli state.
Dr. Israel Eldad demonstrates how Jerusalem can offer us a clear lens by which to observe the many challenges & aspirations of Jewish history.
The crux of the neo-Zionist argument put forward by Flayton & Hyde is that Palestinians & Ḥaredi Jews pose an existential threat to Zionist Jerusalem.
This week’s election results need to be understood within the context of Israel’s broader national development, as well as a major shift from one dominant ideological paradigm to another.
Course: Torat Yisrael Instructor: Rav Gavriel Reiss Description: A 12-part course on the uniquely holistic approach to the Torah of Manitou (Rav Yehuda Ashkenazi)….
Unlike the United States – where no deep cohesion exists amongst the general populace – social programs are successful & celebrated in Israel.
Simply looking at the historical & etymological origins of the term ‘secular’ makes clear that the concept has no place in authentic Jewish discourse.