Open Hands

"Open Hands" by Yonah ben-Avraham stormy mountains

Torrential grey and misty white
met sleek on gentle slopes
Cascading down
To declare a coursing splendor
each in their time
Upon the grasping earth

Sunlight finds its way
threading holes in the heavens
and their swirling clouds
Whispering hymns
and warming hands
Daydreams and desires
Lighting hearths and sparking laughter
Giving meaning to the ground

The land opens her mouth
and drinks greedily
The tincture of light and water
Life and bottled fire
Dimmed in the dust
and buried as a seed
Sleeping until spring

They say that three keys
are held by G-d alone
The womb, the grave,
The heavens and their rain

And He gave us this life
to bring them and
to guide them
to make for them a home
In the gates of this world

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