On Freedom II

Freedom is beyond and before a state, itself before choice and deed. Freedom is an inherent quality, not attained, but expressed. It is the fuel that drives people into action. Freedom is not built, it builds.

It is the spirit of rebellion, the lifeblood of revolution, the whispering warmth of peace in one’s home.

It is the wind in which a flag willows, the breath that pours out of humanity in the face of injustice.

It is the subtle and the loud, the gentle and the vicious, the glowing inheritance of our fathers and mothers, our daughters and sons.

It can be that your willingness to resist, to rebel against the injustice you perceive in this world, is the measure of your freedom.

It can be that your desire to construct a new reality, to give of yourself for its sake, is the measure of your freedom.

Or it can be that your happiness with your lot, the contents of your cup, is the measure of your freedom.

Yet in all accounts, you are free by virtue of existence, created in the image of G-d.

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