Mom, I’m Going In

Expulsion from Gaza
Artwork: Elisheva Horowitz

That was fifteen years ago
Seventeen and mad

It was hot as hell
On Erev Tisha b’Av
he was determined

Walked to Kissufim
only to be arrested
A friend got him out

It was sweltering
under the seat of a van
piled high with blankets

This time he got in
on the day of destruction
Fasting and prepared

The youth of our land
washing dishes and packing
families were broken

It couldn’t happen
an agonizing waiting
And then it began

They came in full force
Our soldiers followed orders
to uproot their own

Insane destruction
of all that had grown and dreamed
Pleading was fruitless

Crying and watching
For hours on CNN News
and then I saw him

My son on TV
Innocence shattered
in the sands of Gush Katif

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