

What does it it mean to know,
To truly know
To hold knowledge in our hands

Is it memorizing facts,
Like a collection of coins
Cold, hard, clinking together as they clash

Or is it theorizing with logic and proofs
Building them up, and watching them crumble
Like a house of cards

Maybe it’s that feeling deep down in your gut
Struggling for the words to say
What you know, how you know

But you know
Oh yes, you know
More surely than you’ve ever known before

More surely than the professor
Lecturing for the hundredth time
On those cold hard facts

More surely than the philosopher
Writing yet another treatise
Building worlds out of flimsy paper

You know…
That what you’ve just seen
What you’ve just heard
What you’ve just felt
And finally come to know
Is a revelation from Timeless Ultimate Reality

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