In Those Days, At This Time (II)

In Those Days At This Time

If Haran, a third of the Hebrews
Has perished in an oven far from his native soil

And Naḥor has forgotten himself
In the metropolis of the north

And Avraham, the remnant
Has established his tent in the land of his fathers

Then surely the time has arrived
To send Eliezer, his loyal servant
Out into the lands of the north

To extend a hand to Rivka
The restless Hebrew, raised in the pot of nations
And lead her home to her inheritance

That she might enter into marriage with Yitzḥak
His strength with her kindness,
His heritage with her worldliness,
Returning the tent of Sarah
To the way it was meant to be

That the sons they bear one or twenty years from now
Shall be kept in the dark no longer
But know their duty is to perfect the world

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