How Anti-Semitism Operates with Yotam Marom

Yotam Marom being led away by police
Yotam Marom arrested while demanding the GOP condemn white nationalism a few days after the Tree of Life attack in Pittsburgh
Learning how anti-Semitism functions as a system of oppression can help us to better understand the State of Israel's function on the world stage.

Yehuda HaKohen is joined on The Next Stage podcast by Brooklyn-based organizer Yotam Marom. The two touch on Yotam’s work as a trainer and facilitator for social movements but focus primarily on how anti-Semitism operates within a capitalist system and how that can clarify the State of Israel’s role internationally.

Yotam at an IfNotNow ‘Liberation Seder’

Yotam being arrested at the IfNotNow ‘Liberation Seder’

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Guest: Yotam Marom

Hosted by: Yehuda HaKohen

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