Rouse the spirit within you
The time is now
Israel and the land in a holy embrace
Living the dreams of our forefathers
We’ve journeyed across the centuries
Toured every corner of the world
Again and again Giants tried to destroy us
All of them now buried in the earth
We arrived at the shores of our destiny
Broken, beaten down, and scared
In a dark cloud of suffering
Thinking only of survival
Forgetting in our oppression to dream of resurrection
Our story has already been told
Each generation passing down to the next
Visions of future redemption foreseen by our prophets
Though the spirit of prophecy long since departed
Finally, the ancient promise of redemption comes to greet us
Through inspiration or by desperation
One by one, group by group, the exiles are gathering
In the hills of our land, adorned once again by fruits and flowers
Free at last to worship the Creator in His holy city
Like the story of Purim, the miracles of our time remain hidden
To see the Divine hand guiding history one simply has to look
Never has there been nor ever will there be a land or a people like Israel
Whose salvation is as glorious as its destruction
On our backs rests the history of the world
As witnesses, as victims, as participants, as victors
Our ancestors saw many Empires rise and fall
Only Israel, dispersed and persecuted, remains
That is His Will
Rouse your spirit
The time has come
Israel’s resurrection has begun in her land
We are writing the final chapter of our story
Let us not repeat our fate in Egypt
Where too many died in a plague of darkness
Unwilling to abandon comfort to embrace our mission
Preferring to languish in the dark amongst the nations
In place of illuminating the earth through divine peoplehood