Hasbarists Should Stop Using Words they Don’t Understand

Yehuda HaKohen
In the last decade, a significant number of pro-Israel figures & organizations have begun to use a political language they don't understand.

In 2015, the Vision movement put forward a resolution to the World Zionist Congress in Jerusalem asserting that the Jewish people are indigenous to the land of Israel.

51% of delegates to the congress voted in favor of the resolution. 47% voted against. 2% abstained.

While today it might seem strange for delegates to a Zionist congress not to wholeheartedly support the notion of Jewish indigeneity, very few Israelis or pro-Israel Diaspora Jews outside of Vision spaces were familiar or comfortable with such language at the time.

It was only after Vision’s resolution at the 2015 congress that many pro-Israel figures and organizations began to weaponize the notion of Jewish indigeneity as an argument for Jewish rights in the land of Israel. But based on how this and similar ideas (like decolonization) have been used, it’s clear that most Zionists have no meaningful understanding of the discourse or its political ramifications.

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