Gold from Egypt

Gold from Egypt

From Egypt we brought up with us
A multitude of gold.
More vessels, treasures, necklaces
Than man could ever hold.
A portion we donated
To the Mishkan of the Lord,
His abode that we created
Was the best we could afford.
But some went to the Golden Calf
A false idolatry,
We thought it could be offered up
But that would never be.
So how does one differentiate
The gold that’s fine to bring?
Which coins are merely counterfeit
And which the real thing?

As we ascend from Egypt now
This task must be repeated
For if we take, but don’t ask how
Our purpose is defeated.
There’s gold, oh yes, there’s much to learn
From all they do and say
Don’t make the same mistake as me
And throw it all away!
But how to sift it – that’s the key,
Some things must be ignored,
And some we can transform to be
A vessel for the Lord.
So what’s the filter we must use
To do this task today?
Just how does one select the gold
To keep or throw away?

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