On 4 Kislev, 5782 (November 8, 2021), I addressed several topics surrounding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict at Tel Aviv University’s Conflict Resolution & Mediation international program.
These topics include:
-Current power dynamics
-A workable one-state solution
-Palestinian refugee issues
–Ḥaredi population growth
-The future status of Gaza
–Westernization in Israeli society
-“Demographic threats”
Enjoyed your discussion at Tel Aviv U on conflict resolution with Palestinians. It seemed idealistic and enthusiastic. But, if we allow for “reality testing” we must acknowledge that conflict is actually (maybe unfortunately) a basic element of the human condition. Conflict exists not only socially, politically and intellectually, it also exists personally. There sages recognized this as the tension between the yetzer ha-rah and the yetzer tov and Freud explicated this as the conflict between the Ego and the Id. Perhaps this is why, Plato in The Republic developed the analogy of man and the polis. Jeremiah’s vision of the transformation of the “tablets of stone” into the “tablets of the heart” might remain as the only workable formular for conflict resolution.