Fighting the Culture War with Geva Rapp

Col. Geva Rapp (res.) of Panim el-Panim (Face to Face)
Panim el-Panim is on the front line of a struggle to protect Israel's native culture and identity from powerful forces of cultural imperialism.

On The Next Stage podcast, Yehuda HaKohen is joined by Col. Geva Rapp (res.) of the Panim el-Panim (Face to Face) organization that works to resist foreign efforts to westernize Israel through instilling a deep sense of Jewish identity and purpose in thousands of soldiers and students throughout the country.

The two discuss cultural conflicts within the Jewish state fueled by Western forces seeking to impose their values and worldview on Israeli society.

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Guest: Geva Rapp

Hosted by: Yehuda HaKohen

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